[Important] 24 June 2017 PSSK General Assembly
We invite you to the General Meeting of PSSK members to be held on June 24, 2017 at 10:30 in Kobyłka.
- Opening of the session (planned at 10:30)
- Adoption of the Rules of Procedure
- Election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting
- Adoption of the agenda
- Electoral commissions (mandatory-ballot, election, resolutions and motions)
- Presentation of reports on the activities of the Management Board
- factual
- financial
- Presentation of reports on the activities of the Audit Commission
- Approval of the report on the activities of the Management Board for the reporting period the resolution of the General Meeting accepting the financial statements
- Approval of the Management Board Report for the reporting period
- Discussion
- Application of the Board
- Request of the Audit Commission
- Selection of PSSK President and announcement of results
- Election of Board members
- Break
- Selection of Audit Committee and announcement of results
- Presentations of newly elected PSSK authorities
- Talk cd.
- Adoption of resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders
- Closing of the WZ